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Manifest Abundance: Full Moon Rituals for Prosperity with Crystals

Harness the power of the January Full Wolf Moon and crystals, and manifest your dreams into reality. Abundance awaits you.

I’ve got a juicy one for you this month!

As the January breeze carries the promise of new beginnings, there is a planetary event that calls upon your inner spirit to awaken. The January Full Wolf Moon on the 25th, with its captivating energy, provides a powerful opportunity to manifest abundance in your life. I want to expand your awareness by delving into the spiritual significance of this moon and explore how you can harness its energy in conjunction with the enchanting power of crystals to attract prosperity. So, gather your crystals, open your heart, and let us embark on this journey of manifestation together.

Understanding the January Wolf Moon

The January Full Wolf Moon derives its name from ancient Native American folklore, where the howling of wolves echoed through the winter nights. This moon signifies the strength, resilience, and resourcefulness of both wolves and humans alike, as we navigate through the challenges of life. It symbolizes a time of introspection and preparation for the growth that lies ahead.

Elevating Energies: Prosperity Awaits

During this powerful lunar phase, the energies surrounding us are heightened, and it is our privilege to tap into their potential. The January Wolf Moon encourages you to explore your inner desires and align your intentions with the vibrations of abundance. By embracing the energy of this moon, you open doors to a realm where your dreams can flourish. You are ready for this. I am sure you know that manifesting is more than just dreaming. It is intention(wishes) with aligned action (doing things while you feel good in the present moment)

Crystals for Wealth, Success, and Manifestation:

Crystals have been treasured for centuries for their remarkable ability to amplify intentions and connect us with the universe’s energy. To enhance your full moon rituals for manifesting abundance, let us introduce three crystals that resonate strongly with wealth, success, and manifestation:

Citrine: Known as the “Merchant’s Stone,” Citrine carries the vibrant energy of abundance, prosperity, and success. It stimulates your solar plexus chakra, infusing you with confidence, motivation, and a positive mindset. Embrace the sunny warmth of Citrine as you envision your dreams becoming your reality.

Cherry Quartz: With its delicate pink hues, Cherry Quartz is a crystal that radiates love, harmony, and abundance. It helps you release self-limiting beliefs and aligns you with the frequency of abundance. By meditating with Cherry Quartz, you open yourself up to the infinite possibilities that the universe has in store for you.

Green Aventurine: Known as the “Stone of Opportunity,” Green Aventurine is a crystal that attracts prosperity, luck, and wealth. It opens your heart chakra, allowing you to embrace the energy of abundance with a compassionate and generous spirit. Carry Green Aventurine in your pocket or place it on your abundance altar to invite prosperity into your life.

Practical Tips and Rituals for Amplifying Abundance:

Now that you have your crystals at hand, let us explore some practical tips and rituals to amplify your abundance mindset during the full moon phase:

Crystal Cleansing: Start by cleansing your crystals under the light of the full moon to release any stagnant energy they may have absorbed. Allow the moon’s gentle rays to purify and recharge your crystals, preparing them for your manifestation rituals. January moon is an amazing moon to use to cleanse your crystal collection.. If you have the time and space; I invite you to put your entire collection outside to bask in the moonlight. If you do – please post a pic and tag me on socials!

Setting Intentions: Find a quiet space where you can connect with your inner self. Hold your chosen crystals in your hands and visualize your goals and desires. See yourself living, doing, being, achieve your goals. Connect with the feeling of lining up with your desires. Give this feeling a colour, and imagine it washing over your whole body. Stay in these feelings as long as you are able to/ Speak your The January Full Wolf Moon will amplify your intentions; you just need to trust that the universe will support you.

Full Moon Affirmations: Create a set of affirmations that resonate with your desire for joyful abundance in all areas. Joyful abundance is not just money, but of course, money is one of them.  Affirmations have the power to rewire your subconscious mind, paving the way for a positive and abundant mindset. Type or write out your affirmations and put them somewhere you can see them daily. This will activate your subconscious mind and the part of your mind the RAS which is the physical part of your brain that allows you to manifest.

Gratitude Practice: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by creating a gratitude journal or simply expressing your appreciation for the abundance already present in your life. Gratitude opens the floodgates for more blessings to flow your way. Hand on my heart, gratitude has changed my ENTIRE life. I started when I realised I was in a DV relationship and my psychic abilities opened. I just focused on being so grateful for knowing; so grateful for the freedom in my heart and the lightness I felt. So grateful I was not crazy. So grateful for the universe and its magic I could now see hear feel. Every single day I practice gratitude. If you feel you have nothing to be grateful for on any particular day, start with your physical body; grateful for your breath, eyes, and limbs. When you wake; be grateful for having a bed to sleep on. The statement “I am so happy and grateful now that… insert wishes here” has the ability to create quantum leaps in your life for the better.

The January Full Wolf Moon eagerly awaits your participation in the dance of manifestation. By aligning your intentions with the heightened energies of this moon and harnessing the power of crystals, you open yourself up to a world of abundance, success, and prosperity. Embrace this opportunity to cultivate an abundance mindset, trust in the universe, and let your dreams flourish under the nurturing glow of the moon. May your path be illuminated, and may abundance find its way into every facet of your life. Because you deserve it. And Because… it is FUN to manifest!

Harness the power of the January Full Wolf Moon and crystals, and manifest your dreams into reality. Abundance awaits you.

All my Love, Forever and a day.

Jessica Pax Loveday

“Awaken Your Inner Divinity.”

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